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Articles tagged with: Smart Home Automation

3 Smart Home Automation Technologies That Make Your Life Easier

Make your spaces more luxurious and convenient with smart technology!

3 Smart Home Automation Technologies That Make Your Life Easier

Everyone wants a home that is comfortable and convenient yet beautiful and luxurious. But did you know that a smart home automation system can balance all of those elements and help you enjoy a unique lifestyle?

In our blog below, we explore three home-enhancing technologies that can turn a regular house into a truly smart home filled with delightful experiences. Keep reading to learn more!

TAGS: Smart Home Automation

Make Your Home Guest-Ready with Smart Home Automation

Create more inviting spaces with smart technology and be that friend everyone loves to visit!

Make Your Home Guest-Ready with Smart Home Automation

If you are a people person, we are sure you do everything you can to make your friends feel happy and comfy at your home; to make them feel like they can come to you anytime. You probably have an extra chair in the living room, lemonade made fresh on hot days, and your cookie jar is always full. But did you know that technology can help you create a comfortable and inviting environment for your guests in just a matter of seconds? With our smart home automation solutions, you can! 

Keep reading our blog to learn how the experts at Desert Sound & Security experts can integrate smart home installations to make your Phoenix, AZ home ready to welcome guests by simply pressing a button!

TAGS: Smart Home Automation | Smart Home Automation Systems

3 Ways Smart Home Solutions Can Entirely Change Your Everyday Life

Let your smart home do the work for you and sit back to enjoy a luxurious experience

3 Ways Smart Home Solutions Can Entirely Change Your Everyday Life

Imagine a home where every moment is customized to be exactly how you want it to be. A home where the lighting is always right, where you can enjoy your content the way you choose, and seamlessly control it all with just the touch of a button. You can achieve all that with a customized smart home solution in your Paradise Valley, AZ home. Keep reading to learn more about everything that a smart home can enhance in your everyday life.

TAGS: Smart Home Automation | Smart Home Control | Smart Home System | Smart Home Technology

How to Keep Your Smart Tech Project on Track During Supply Chain Delays

Early planning and expectation management are the keys to successful project completion

How to Keep Your Smart Tech Project on Track During Supply Chain Delays

If you’ve been keeping up with the news, then you’re well-aware that our economy is facing global supply chain shortages and bottlenecks that are affecting everything from cars to computers to home electronics. 

Supply chain problems for home electronics and smart technology could affect you personally if you are considering upgrading your Paradise Valley, AZ, house with whole home automation, a private home theater, media room renovations, or other smart home additions soon. 

Unfortunately, the current supply chain issues could linger for several more months. So, if you’re looking forward to starting the new year with a new home project, what steps can you take to keep it on track amidst supply slowdowns? We have some tips below.

TAGS: Smart Home Automation | Smart Home Company | Smart Home Technology

Desert Sound & Security
20650 N 29th Place, Suite 100
Phoenix, Arizona 85050

Phone:  (877) 246-5458

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